Thursday, January 26, 2012

Busy Week!

Since I've last updated, I've received several new TTM autographs and worked out a big trade with fellow O's collector, Kirk, from Eutaw Street Cardboard. Well first for my new TTM additions:Fritz signed both my Crown cards in 2 weeks from his home address. For an interesting write-up of his career visit the blog, "Orioles Card 'O' the Day". Now I know he has a regular Oriole card, which I'll look to obtain and get signed.

I received Trent Hubbard back today. I got worried because after I sent my request I noticed he might be doing a paid signing. Luckily he still honored my request TTM but kept one of the cards.

Finally is my haul from the previously mentioned trade. I added 6 new autos and upgraded 3. Thanks again Kirk!

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